FeisWeb online stage monitor.

Welcome to the beta of the FeisWeb online stage monitor.

This is just a test application using fake information, so everyone has stage manager capability without logging in to Feisweb.

As a manger, just tap on a competition and select the state you want for it. (Just remember it is open to everyone, so if two people change it at once, it may not change as expected!)

If you open it on multiple devices, you can change the status of an event on one device and watch it update the other automatically.

It is meant to be used by stage managers using their own phones, so for it to work, the venue needs to have reliable cell data and managers willing to do it.

There are seven states that a competition can be set to, but 'No Show' and 'Concluded' are basically the same thing, so there are really only six:
  • - Nothing going on with this competition right now.
  • - Dancers should report to the stage to check in.
  • - Dancers should report to the stage to line up for competition.
  • - Competition is in progress.
  • - The competition is open, but not dancing at this time.
  • - No dancers showed up, so it will not be run.
  • - The competition has been completed and the results are ready for sending to tabulation.

So please try it out by clicking the 'Feis Stage Manager' link. It is not polished or optomized yet, so it is the perfect time to get any your feedback! Please email me at Alan@Feisweb.com and let me know what your thoughts.

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